Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Diary - Part 4

Phew. Finally, the last part of this year in my life.
Well, if you read my previous post, I don't think I have to explain so much right ?
So basically, I had this Secretary job quitted.
Why ? Cause someone just sorta bang directly to the principle of my life, my faith and my trust. I got disrespected as a subordinate. Well, you don't have to know too much, I'm way too lazy to re-mention it or I have no intention to re-mention it again, read the previous post and interpret it yourself la. 3:)

October to December was really a tough month for me mentally.
Not only mentally tore-up, 
Mind got fucking fucked, 
Rock solid stubborn attitude, 
Cold war condition, 
Army of silent rebel or whatever occasion.
Everything just sorta happened.

Since October, I felt loneliness, heart-aching, and happiness in bottle.
And at the same time, I'm learning to develop myself to even better self.
Anyway, read my previous post and interpret it.
Its all written thr. 

Everytime heartbreak, everytime revive;
Every moment that count are written,
Word written now couldn't explain how clear my mind was at that moment.
So just read thru everything, if you are really interested in my story.

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