Should I fight it or not ?
Keeping a pure heart seem harder these days.
Too many thing that will makes us think.
Too many consequences happen when we make choices and act to.
Extremis are no wrong at all.
There wasn't need for understanding.
What is understanding ?
You have to accept what the other have been through ?
Can you ?.. Don't fucking say just ignore it cause its ain't healing anything.
Time heals, but scar leave there.
So why do being needs communication at the first place ?
Oh! To manipulate others~
They are your brick and concrete.
To built for your career and view and your ideal community.
So, language is no barrier at all, understanding just bullshit.
You are great at many kind of languages, so what ?
You just lack of understanding,
As if a brat kept asking more pocket money from his/her parent.
As if a God-Damn parasite, just keep on sucking and asking for more.
You can say that I was being judgeful.
But who started it at the first place.
You said you was doing thing to change, and it just you said so.
Who cares anyway ? Don't try to think big when you can't.
You just not qualified.
If you are, prove it.
If you're saying shouldn't prove to just prove it, fine enough.
Story end.
Cinderella go to bed.
Snow White kill her step-mother.
What else ? BRAT.