Saturday, March 1, 2014

Diary 44

Seriously, I don't gay.
Instead, I hate gay. I get scared.
But I do give my support to gay people.
So, don't EVER compare me with any kind of gay out there.

I give my support to any LGBT out there.
And people, I like girl very much.
I seems contradict with what I'm talking about here right ?..
Whatever. I watched gay-porn before.
Its kinda disgusting, from my perspective.
And you know why ? *Cause I'm not gay.

OH !
And btw, I don't think any hetero will do better than gay or lesbian people do.
There are way too many people who don't explore themselves to live in this world.
I can't say anything. Sometimes, I'm being lazy too.
But, I do very clear that who I am to myself.
So, don't ever judge be for being sissy sometimes or all the time.
And don't judge me for being gay or still remain single after so long.

I used to be a victim of gay sex assault.
So I can't say much. Even if I had the chances to.
But I put my word ahead, I support LGBT, pink, purple, blue or whatever color it is.
I don't give a fuck! Just go ahead and use them you will have my support,
but just don't come clinging around me. You are disgusting.
- END -

And Dear hetero,
You guys are not anywhere not-more-disgusting-than-LGBT too.
So, get a mirror to reflect yourself, before you saying others.
- END -

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